"Oliver Twist ending" from sadness to joy, evil. Although Oliver suffering and humiliation, but no matter where they are, he always kind and generous, loyal love, keep the pure nature and the goodness of the soul. All sufferings have their reward. Eventually get happiness. Beautiful miss Ruth also broke through the combination of identitylevel of concept and Harry happy trip. For the wicked in the novel, the author of one one gave them a tragic end:thieves Fagin is justice, the gallows; Sussex in the run in the fall by a rope, and ultimately doomed: "can't catchthief" in order to steal a snuff box and the court sentenced to transportation for life the line is bad; monks,household production squandered eventually be chained and thrown into prison, died in prison; the beadle Farber was to be on the beach, leather office, spent the rest of his life in the workhouse. Although this story has been farfrom the real life, only the good wishes of the author, but it has reached or good and evil, the aim of education."The evil" oliver twist the ends and evil intention all agree without prior without previous consultation and thecreation of fairy tales