
2024-12-02 19:43:42

摘要:施工资料是核定工程质量等级的重要依据,它全面反映了建筑工程的施工过程及工程质量状况。本文主要对在建施工项目在各施工过程中需要及时收集的资料进行介绍,以供参考。关健词:工程资料;收集整理;资料归档与移交Abstract: the construction of data are important basis for approval the engineering quality level, it fully reflects the architectural engineering construction process and the status of the project quality. This article mainly for building construction projects in the construction process need to collect the data, for reference.Key words: engineering data; Collect; Data archiving and handover.中图分类号: TU71 文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-2104(2013)施工资料是施工单位在工程施工过程中形成的资料,是建筑实物质量的真实写照,无论建筑原材料、构配件质量,还是分项工程质量评定资料都必须客观反映实际施工状况。(剩余3190字)