Meaning: Its source is Liliana, an Italian name meaning "Lily."
Languages: This girl's name is used in German and English.
Nicknames: Lil and Lily
Compound Forms: Lilianna
Alternative Spellings: Lillian
Variant Forms: Lilia, Liliam and Liliane
Non-English Forms: Ljiljana and Liliya
Source Forms: Liliana
Popularity: The name Lilian ranked 634th in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of 2000-2003 Social Security Administration statistics and 843rd in popularity for females of all ages in a sample of the 1990 US Census.
Narrative: Some authorities believe this name originated as a nickname of Elizabeth. The same is said of the English Lily, which did not appear as a formal name until the 19th century.
Nicknames: Lil and Lily
Compound Forms: Lilianna
Alternative Spellings: Lillian
Variant Forms: Lilia, Liliam and Liliane
Non-English Forms: Ljiljana and Liliya
Lillian 丽莲 希腊 一朵百合花,代表纯洁;上帝的誓约。
Lynn 琳 英国 傍湖而居的人。
Lydia 莉迪亚 英国 来自里底亚的人,财富。