
2024-11-29 07:44:30

先比价:Tripollar stop 和NEWA的官方价都是3000元左右,平手。比技术:两个牌子都是由知名医疗射频美容机生产商生产。NEWA采用的是蕞新专俐三极射频,Stop是双极,当然,多一极,差距绝对不是三分之一,具体用了结果久你就知道了。Stop和NEWA都通过FDA认证,但NEWA通过的是FDA第二类OTC认证,整个地球就这么一台美容仪通过了这项认证。除此以外,NEWA的3Deep还获得了13年爱迪生发明铜奖。所以比技术,NEWA完胜,碾压式的那种。比颜值:Stop的外形更加有棱有角,比较酷。NEWA的外形比较优雅。所以颜值上,平手。比配件:两者都配有适应各囯电源的转换插头。NEWA多一个收纳袋。所以配件上:平手。比凝胶:Stop套装送50ml,每次需要的量不大,50ml可用半年左右。NEWA套装送的130ml,质地更稀薄,容易干,用起来比较快。所以,凝胶上来说,Stop胜。比使用感:Stop分为3档,热度明显,划圈慢了容易烫脸,可以使用在额头。NEWA分为2档,热度温和,不可以使用在额头。所以,使用感上比,平手。不知道这样全方位的比较对你们有没有帮助?






这俩产品 在美国亚马逊和易趣都是只有一两家在卖 NEWA300多美元 另一个409美元 用户评论基本上很分化 NEWA12个评论只有4个好的 两个中性 5个说没效果 还有一个说用了有痤疮
TRIPOLLAR 19个评价8个四星五星好评 二星三星各一 剩下的全一星差评 总结一下 美国人用这种东西的不多 不知道亚马逊有没有刷好评这回事 按评论来看 这玩意是因人而异 可能有效果 有的没效果 效果绝对不如宣传那么好 把一星差评复制几个过来 你们自己判断

Color: Black|Verified Purchase
I ended up buying a large professional RF machine for $700, $280 more than this one but was totally worth it. Just wish I had went on and done that at first. The pro RF machine worked VERY well and has 3 different treatment heads (small, medium, large) so I can treat from head to toe if I want. This Tripollar garbage powers down as soon as you get going with it, then you have to wait like two minutes for it to cool down enough so it will power back on. I tried to trick it by touching it to a Ziploc bag of ice when it cuts off, but that became very tiring & frustrating. This "power-off" issue is the safety feature on this device. That's the problem with devices like this that are usually used in a cosmetic surgeon's office/spa and then made into an "at home use" machine (like those at-home IPL Laser hair removers). Manufacturers make a weaker version of the professional machine & install a dozen fail-safes to prevent people from injuring themselves. Yeah that's great but most of the time that prevents people from getting "spa results" at home. Well, this is the LAST time I buy some "at home use" cosmetic device. I'm strictly buying professional only. The cost isn't much different than the knock-offs. Now I have a $420 piece of junk.

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ByAltheaon April 11, 2014
Color: Black|Verified Purchase
I just can say few words: Even that I have used it 3 times per week, no minimum results ! it does not work, time and money lost ! I would not recommend this machine, is like a toy.
Sadly do nothing, and put it back until Israel is more money wasted.
Color: Black|Verified Purchase
The electrical part on this producet does not work correctly. I didn't see any chance when I used it even when the orange light didn't go on. I was even using it longer on my face. The test with it on a light bulb worked but not on me. They will give refund if you buy itdirectly from them, but not from Amazon.

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