
2025-03-20 09:15:25

英语的并列连词就结构形式来说分为单词并列连词(SINGLE-WORD C00RDINATOR),如and,or but:nor yet so; 关联并列连词(CORRELATIVE C00RDINATOR),如both…and,not only…but(also),either...or,neither…nor,not…but等。此外还有连词for是介乎并列连河和从属连词之间的,本书把它也放在并列连词中处理。
表示语义增进的并列连词以and为代表,not only..but(aIso),nor,neither..nor等。
He bought a table and two chairs.
I am interested jn chemitry(化学)and in mathematics(数学)。 John did the work,and he did it wel (约翰做了这件事.而且 做得好。)
You doubt his capacity,and with reson (你怀疑他的能力, 而 且有理由怀疑、)
Well he doesn't have a fever .And his pulse is fine.
Just a litt[e cold,Chartie,say the doctorBetter stay inside
today, Charlie.And take it easy.
Did you serve in either or my last two campaigns?
除表尔语义增进,连词and还可用于其他意义。比如表示对比和转折: He was city-bred(在城里长大的),and she was country-bred(在 乡间氏大的)-She was rough(粗鲁),and he was gentle(文雅). He is Jack of a11 trades and masterr of none. (他样样刽5会, 门 门不箱。)
There is all talk and no action. (尽是空谈,没有行动.)
He is so rich and lives like a beggar (他北常富有,而生活却象乞丐一般。)
Tell him anything,and he just looks at you blankly
(=If you tell him anything,he just looks at you bIankly.)
Give me some more time,and I will show you how it can be done.
Think it over again and you'll find a way out
Both Mary and her mother were not there
She is weIl known both for her kindness and for her intelligence.
Mary and her mother were not there.
却通常不说:*Both Mary and her mother were not there.而应说;
Neither Mary nor her mother was there.
Mary went marketing,and her mother did the cooking.
*Both Mary went marketing, and her mother did the cooking.
He can sing and dance and play the violin.
He can both sing and dance.
*He can both sing and dance and pIay the vioIin.
not only...but(aIso)与both..and意义相近,但侧重在后一并列成
NOt only the mother but also the children are sick.
She can not only speak English but also write in it.
与both…and不同,not only...but(also)可用来连接两个分句,作这种用法时,not only所引导的分句需用倒装词序。例如:
Not only was everything he had taken away from him,but also
his German citizenship.(德国公民资格).
He is not interesed in physics(物理学),nor in biology(生物学).
The job cannot be done by you,nor by me,nor by anyone else.
It was not anger nor surprise,nor disapproval,nor horror, nor
any of the emotions she had been prepared for.
*Both Mary went marketing, and her mother did the cooking.
He can sing and dance and play the violin.
He can both sing and dance.
*He can both sing and dance and pIay the vioIin.
not only...but(aIso)与both..and意义相近,但侧重在后一并列成分。例如:
NOt only the mother but also the children are sick.
She can not only speak English but also write in it.
与both…and不同,not only...but(also)可用来连接两个分句,作这种用法时,not only所引导的分句需用倒装词序。例如:
Not only was everything he had taken away from him,but also
his German citizenship.(德国公民资格).
He is not interesed in physics(物理学),nor in biology(生物学).
The job cannot be done by you,nor by me,nor by anyone else.
It was not anger nor surprise,nor disapproval,nor horror, nor
any of the emotions she had been prepared for.
I don't want to go,nor will my wife.
neither... nor表示既不……又不的含义,加强了否定的意义例如:
Neither my father nor I will go there
He neither ate,nor drank,nor smoked.
Neither has he called on her ,nor wtll he do so.
Neither has she much time, nor have I.
She didn't give anything and neither did he.
=She didn't give anything,nor did he.
=She didn't give anything;neither did he.
The men were not well-dressed Nor/neither were the women
She hasn't much time and neitherr have I.
2) 表示语义转折和对比的并列连词
not...but,yet,whereas, while,only等。例如:
He is hard-working but not very intelligent .
He would like to go, but he can't.
we were comingto see you , but it rained(so we didn't).
They would have written to you, but you told them not to.
Hc would have said no,but he was afraid.
When Galileo toId people of his discovery(发现),no one would
believe him. But Galileo was not discouraged.
When she saw that Abraham liked reading,she did all she could
to help him. But the family was poor and the boy could not get
many books.