
2024-12-03 08:38:43

When my buddies told me about this site they had been working on, I figured I could contribute by sharing my education story. In 2004, I graduated from high school and really wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. My grades were decent and my college test scores were good enough to get into most state colleges…even though California has some tough ones, but I really wasn’t motivated to go through the whole application process….especially since I had no real direction as to what I would want to study. Over the summer following graduation, I chilled with my friends on the beach and played XBox….Thinking, too bad this can’t be my future profession. The more time I spent in my relaxed SoCal setting, the more I knew college was gonna have to wait. But then, of course, my parents got on me and said if I didn’t at least take classes at the local community college, I would have to get a full time job. Well, I really wasn’t big on either option….Stuck in an office all day for minimum wage, or stuck in classes with the same characters from high school. So I began thinking….Besides sleeping and video games, what did my lazy butt actually like at the time. The internet of course! Surfing it, email, and sports pages…and of course the gambling and unmentionables. Building websites seemed like a real interesting career option, and every reputable company had their own site….so I thought somebody must be building these things. I proceeded to Google all sorts of information on cyber classes and website courses, and to my surprise, there were degree offerings all over the internet…from colleges based on the internet! In other words, I could get an IT degree and learn to build websites from classes I would take online. No need to wake up early, no need to get dressed for class. At first my parents were skeptical, but eventually I won them over, and I enrolled that fall. One of the best choices I ever made. I had an associate’s degree in a year and a half and have been designing the front end and creative for websites ever since. By 2007, I had my bachelor’s degree from that same program. I know online classes are not for everyone, but it’s definitely an option you should explore if you’re thinking about going to school.



1)Now society competition is very big, college is not exceptional also, the present universities ranking is quite popular, appear very I "ranking" drawbacks.

考中作文2)For this kind of practice, the person of shem view each not camera, some understanding ranking is very necessary, can promote the school competition, some understanding ranking, cause a lot of school lane virtual do false education quality, causing the glide!

考中作文3)And I think the school rankings of this mechanism is should be reserved, but need to regulate the arrangement, the education development of the rankings system into motivation, not resistance.


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