You were the cloud, drifted from place to place with the wind. Iascertained with difficulty that, estimates with difficulty.
You were the wind, let in my dream track down. I touch withdifficulty, smells with difficulty heard.
You have changed, before you lively happy, speaks also is has one'swish, but the present was actually excessive. You worked in are notdiscrete. Perhaps is my mistake.
You murmur the thin language has not changed in the ear, some thequarrel sound and ~~~~~~~~~ which is talks endlessly I knew you changewith me join the army have many direct relations, but I or must urgeyou, grasps you. Again like this do not get down.
Winsome, sorry, I good miss you, wants to be constantly together dailywith you, may work is dissimilar. Each time short note all is thesimple words, each time telephone all is in is tight hangs. If thatfamily's company is a standardization, looks like such good speechwhich in your mouth said, why also has that many not unwrittenstipulation? I as soon as give the ally, also once did for themarketing, "Ainley". He and I said an approximate work.
Actually, each time I all am constraining the mood, I am angry, isangry very much, is not only willing to take my mood you. You actuallyeach time all calmly. Winsome, each time under bright month I, allwith difficulty go to sleep, think you, was considering in the personway out, can be able to have you, has me to take along hand of thechild, spends together with it? But that is not I wants. Here rainwater weather are many, as soon as rains, where was also cannot go.The seat looks at the opposite inside the room The verdant mountain is in a daze, at the same time also isfantasizing......
Winsome, I knew we walk in the same place are not easy, but thisdecision, I had also considered for a long time, I can regret, but donot have to lament, you very are virtuous, hoped you soon found a goodhusband. Your work that is busy? Frequently does not make a phone call to gohome, why each time puts through aunt's telephone, aunt can ask me,with has winsomely related? What place knows her now in? What makes?
All said the family is a harbor which takes shelter from wind, but Iactually felt you are not such being reluctant to part with with lookafter the household. Sorry, perhaps you had not realized drifts inoutside drifts about destitute! ~ winsome, urges you to have the timeto make a phone call to go home, does not implore you often to go homehas a look, to hope you to pump out makes a phone call to give aunt,reports the sound to be safe, also cannot the transferor person be insuspense.
I really have not made any for you, I do not want many to say My clear knowing, is, I am your cloth wrapper, I do not wantbecause of me, to delay you, you very am appearance America andstriving to improve, but I actually am your. . I believed very much your strength, is not only willing you to do thatwork, too has been tired, always runs travels on official business!
Now I in am not thin and small, the many shares strong body andspirit, has been short to your tender feelings, perhaps really likelyinside the song and poem said the dissimilarity "my tender feelingsyou never understand" Hopes the star, hoped the moon hopes your letter and thetelephone, but....... Winsome, if I have harebrainedly interfered with your work, hasinjured your heart, can you gently forgive me, I did not hope for yourforgiveness, only asks a your safety, happy is content.
Actually you cannot feel? I all have since always been that the deptham loving you, you also am in my heart good girlfriend, but alsoremembers your first letter? Inside has such speech "why to ascend thesky does not let me earlier meet you, good completely gives you minelove, you is I this life complete, the rock pile, I love you, waitsfor you to come back marries me" sometimes really to be happy, but,loves is not has with the crystallization.
I love you, is winsome, real soul talk. But I actually can not butgive up you. You do not want because I sadly feel bad, also does not need to missme, because I am such wickedness. Such I also like attain the release, also did not have to constrainwith the tangle. Innumerable time awakens in the dream, because ofyou. Winsome, I am quite tired, this all all I all am willing toaccept. Because, because I love you, the depth loves you.
When your enterprise has, I can be secretly happy for you When you meet the setback is sad, I can for you feel bad The life does not have asks, only asks you to be safe. Winsome,sorry. When urges exhorts in is not strange, but turned the custom; Whentakes pen in hand the character which writes down is "winsome" theperiod of time from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, I in am not surprised; Whenmisses turns one custom, has been absent-minded the custom to me失声 shouted when your name, I already was unable to extricateoneself. In order to you - are winsome, the happy future and the greatenterprise ideal retaliation, I am not being reluctant to part withwith yearned for.
I resolutely decided helps you to cast off the burden, lets you dropone abundantly, lets in your thought in not have the load, enables yourelaxed, is happy facing each strange face. Thank you for severalyears to give my love with the support, I can forever remember you,once made me to think towards the evening, once made me to beabsent-minded, once made the woman which I had tears streaming downthe face. Winsome, spectrum "Afterwards", The gardenia, the white flower petal, falls on your blue colorBai Zhequn, loves you, I says in a soft voice......
On June 6, 2005 evening