
2024-11-23 10:32:09

把放下这八件事,你就离成功不远了:1、放下压力;2、放下烦恼;3、放下自卑;4、放下懒惰;5、放下消极;6、放下抱怨;7、放下犹豫;8、放下狭隘。翻译成英文:Put down the eight thing, you'll not far from success: 1, put down the pressure; 2, put down the worry; 3, put down the inferiority; 4, put down the lazy; 5, put down the negative; 6, put down complain; 7, put down the hesitation; 8, put down the narrow.


Put down the eight thing, you'll not far from success

Put down the thrust;

Put down the vexation;

Put down the inferiority.

Put down the lazy

Put down the negative

Put down the complain

Put down the hesitate

Put down the narrow


Put down the eight thing, you'll not far from success: 1, put down the pressure; 2, put down the worry; 3, put down the inferiority; 4, put down the lazy; 5, put down the negative; 6, put down complain; 7, put down the hesitation; 8, put down the narrow.