
2024-12-05 01:58:40

大江东去,The Ynagtze flows east

  浪淘尽,Washing away

  千古风流人物。A thousand ages of great men

  故垒西边,West of the ramparts --

  人道是,People say --

  三国周郎赤壁。Are the fables Red Cliffs of young Chou of the Three Kingdoms

  乱石穿空,Rebellious rocks pierce the sky

  惊涛拍岸,Frightening waves rip the bank

  卷起千堆雪。The backwash churns vast snowy swells --

  江山如画,River and mountains like a painting

  一时多少豪杰。how many heroes passed them, once ...

  遥想公瑾当年,Think back to those years, Chou Yu --

  小乔初嫁了,Just married to the younger Chiao --

  雄姿英发。Brave, brilliant

  羽扇纶巾,With plumed fan, silk kerchief

  谈笑间,Laughed and talked

  樯橹灰飞烟灭。While masts and oars vanished to flying ash and smoke!

  故国神游,I roam through ancient realms

  多情应笑我,Absurdly moved

  早生华发。Turn gray too soon --

  人生如梦,A man's life passes like a dream --

  一樽还酹江月。Pour out a cup then, to the river, and the moon


East flows the mighty river,
Sweeping away the heroes of time past;
This ancient rampart on its western shore
Is Zhou Yu’s Red Cliff of three Kingdoms’s fame;
Here jagged boulders pound the clouds,
Huge waves tear banks apart,
And foam piles up a thousand drifts of snow;
A scene fair as a painting,
Countless the brave men here in time gone by!

I dream of Marshal Zhou Yu his day
With his new bride, the Lord Qiao’s younger daughter,
Dashing and debonair,
Silk-capped, with feather fan,
He laughed and jested
While the dread enemy fleet was burned to ashes!
In fancy through those scenes of old I range.
My heart overflowing,surely a figure of fun.
A man gray before his time.
Ah,this life is a dream,


Niannujiao Chi Bi

Drain, faded away, eternal heroes. Therefore, base west of humanity, the three Shuro Red Cliff. Rocks through air, the great tide, the snow piled up a thousand. Picturesque, the number of temporary hero.

Way back when the public would like to, Joe married early, majestic British hair. Guam towel, laughing, strong prisoner vanished. Homeland fugue, sentimental should laugh at me, white hair early. Dream world, a river also sprinkle on.