2024-12-05 04:00:37

0. = master production schedule 主生产计划 (预先建立的一份计划, 由主生产计划员负责维护. 主生产计划必须考虑客户订单和预测、未完成订单、可用物料的数量、现有能力、管理方针和目标等等)

MRP(Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划)是被设计并用于制造业库存管理信息处理的系统,它解决了如何实现制造业库存管理目标——在正确的时间按正确的数量得到所需的物料这一难题。MRP是当今众所周知的ERP的雏形,MRP与ERP的库存管理思想又源于求解制造业基本方程。
ERP是Enterprise Resource Planning(企业资源计划)的简称,是上个世纪90年代美国一家IT公司根据当时计算机信息、IT技术发展及企业对供应链管理的需求,预测在今后信息时代企业管理信息系统的发展趋势和即将发生变革,而提出了这个概念。 一种ERP系统
ERP是针对物资资源管理(物流)、人力资源管理(人流)、财务资源管理(财流)、信息资源管理(信息流)集成一体化的企业管理软件。一个由 Gartner Group 开发的概念,描述下一代制造商业系统和制造资源计划(MRP II)软件。它将包含客户/服务架构,使用图形用户接口,应用开放系统制作。除了已有的标准功能,它还包括其它特性,如品质、过程运作管理、以及调整报告等。特别是,ERP采用的基础技术将同时给用户软件和硬件两方面的独立性从而更加容易升级。ERP的关键在于所有用户能够裁剪其应用,因而具有天然的易用性


enterprise resources planning (ERP) or ERP
Framework for organizing, defining, and standardizing the business processes necessary to effectively plan and control an
organization so the organization can use its internal knowledge to seek external advantage.

master production schedule (MPS) or MPS
The master production schedule is a line on the master schedule grid that reflects the anticipated build schedule for those items
assigned to the master scheduler. The master scheduler maintains this schedule, and in turn, it becomes a set of planning numbers
that drives material requirements planning. It represents what the company plans to produce expressed in specific configurations,
quantities, and dates. The master production schedule is not a sales item forecast that represents a statement of demand. The master
production schedule must take into account the forecast, the production plan, and other important considerations such as backlog,
availability of material, availability of capacity, and management policies and goals. See: master schedule.

material requirements planning (MRP) or MRP
A set of techniques that uses bill of material data, inventory data, and the master production schedule to calculate requirements for
materials. It makes recommendations to release replenishment orders for material. Further, because it is time-phased, it makes
recommendations to reschedule open orders when due dates and need dates are not in phase. Time-phased MRP begins with the
items listed on the MPS and determines (1) the quantity of all components and materials required to fabricate those items and (2)
the date that the components and material are required. Time-phased MRP is accomplished by exploding the bill of material,
adjusting for inventory quantities on hand or on order, and offsetting the net requirements by the appropriate lead times.



