vbs没有GUI,只有两种弹出窗口,msgbox和inputbox,下面给出msgbox的各种情况,自己运行看实际结果,看哪种能过满足你的要求: a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",vbYesNo,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",vbOKOnly,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",vbOKCancel,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",vbAbortRetryIgnore,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",vbYesNoCancel,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",vbRetryCancel,"information")
a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",4,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",0,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",1,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",2,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",3,"information") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",5,"information")
a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",16,"Critical") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",0,"Question") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",0,"Exclamation") a=msgbox("Click yes for continue or no for exit!",0,"information")
调用ie可解 Set a=CreateObject("WScript.shell") set ie=wscript.createobject("internetexplorer.application","event_") ie.menubar=0 ie.addressbar=0 ie.toolbar=0 ie.statusbar=0 ie.width=400 ie.height=500 ie.resizable=0 ie.navigate "about:blank" ie.left=fix((ie.document.parentwindow.screen.availwidth-ie.width)/2) ie.top=fix((ie.document.parentwindow.screen.availheight-ie.height)/2) ie.visible=1 with ie.document .write "
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sub msconfig a.Run "msconfig" End sub Sub regedit a.Run "regedit" End sub Sub diskmgmt a.Run "diskmgmt.msc" End sub Sub gpedit a.Run "gpedit.msc" End Sub Sub cliconfg a.Run "cliconfg" End sub Sub cmd a.Run "cmd" End Sub Sub fsquirt a.Run "fsquirt" End Sub Sub fsmgmt a.Run "fsmgmt.msc" End Sub Sub lusrmgr a.Run "lusrmgr.msc" End Sub Sub mstsc a.Run "mstsc" End Sub Sub syskey a.Run "syskey" End Sub Sub rasphone a.Run "rasphone" End Sub Sub perfmon a.Run "perfmon" End Sub Sub narrator a.Run "narrator" End Sub