(A) loans of assistive
产品概述: Product Overview:
助残贷款是指我行向残疾人及残疾人家庭发放的专项贷款。 Assistive loans is that my trip to the families of persons with disabilities and people with special loans.
适用群体: Application groups:
从事肉牛养殖的残疾人及残疾人家庭。 Engaged in beef cattle breeding the disabled and people with families.
产品特点: Features:
1. 1. 利率优惠:执行优惠利率,并由县残联贴息。 Interest rate concessions: the implementation of the prime rate, the CDPF and county discount.
2. 2. 第三方担保:由县残联及龙头企业进行担保。 Third-party security: CDPF and county leading enterprises to be secured.
3. 3. 全面服务:龙头企业提供技术服务及收购肉牛。 A full range of services: leading enterprises to provide technical services and acquisition of beef cattle.
办理条件: For conditions:
1. 1. 借款人应为残疾人或残疾人家庭,有一定的资金及养殖场所。 Borrowers should be for the disabled or people with families, have a certain amount of funds and breeding places.
2. 2. 龙头企业提供担保并办理担保手续。 Leading enterprises and to provide guarantees for the security procedures.
(二)计划生育户创业致富贷款 (B) family planning households enrichment venture loans
产品概述: Product Overview:
计划生育户创业致富贷款是指由计生委牵头运作财政贴息,我行向符合计生政策家庭发放的专项贷款。 Family planning household wealth loan business is led by the Family Planning Commission operation of the discount, I will Jishengzhengce families to meet the special loans.
适用群体: Application groups:
有致富愿望、致富能力和致富项目符合计生政策的家庭。 A desire to get rich, get rich and the ability to get rich Jishengzhengce projects with the family.
产品特点: Features:
1. 1. 市财政贴息。 City Financial discount.
2. 2. 农业部门提供技术支持,计生委具体运作。 To provide technical support for the agricultural sector, the operation of Family Planning Commission.
办理条件: For conditions:
1. 1. 借款人应为符合计生政策的家庭,且有镇计生办出具的享受贴息政策的证明。 Borrowers should be in line with Jishengzhengce families, and there is Jisheng Ban issued by the town to enjoy discount policy proof.
2. 2. 提供有效担保。 To provide effective security.