call the shots 发号施令
我们有时候会问:你们办公室里谁说了算?也就是谁作最后决定。美国人说:call the shots。
Call the shots也就是作最后决定。Call the shots的原来意思是:军官下令部队开枪。但是现在call the shots已经在口语中常常出现。
Call the shots 在字典中的解释是:to be in a position to give orders,即"控制、掌握"。根据《牛津大辞典》记载,Call the shots 此一片语在口语中已经流传了很长的时间,但它的最早书面记录是上世纪60年代,起初的意思为:"明白无误地表明自己的愿望或想法"。
shot(射箭)为什么?会出现在这个片语当中呢?另一个片语call one's shots。Call one shots是指在射箭之前射手必须宣布射程目标;有时会有裁判替选手宣布目标,就有了call the shots。因此,call the shots就引申出"控制、掌握"的意义。
1. You must do what I tell you because I'm calling the shots around here.
2. What do you always get to call the shots? I want to make some decisions too.
3. Don't ask me when we get off work. I don't call the shots around here.
不要问我什么时候我们可以下班. 在这里,我说的话不算数.
4. To be a leader, you should know how to call the shots.
call the shots 是一个美国习语。To call the shots的原来意思是:军官下令部队开枪。但是现在to call the shots已经在口语中常常出现。比方说我们说家里或公司谁做主,美国人经常说:to calls the shots。
To call the shots也就是作最后决定、下命令。
The three partners who own our company are supposed to have equal say in running it. But one of them, old Mister Johns, is the one who calls the shots and tells us what to do.