自我介绍 翻译成英语

2024-11-21 18:53:09




My name is HuChen and 24 years old. I come from Qingzhou city of Shandong,China.
I'm a Operation of the major students and study in HuYuan of Korea university and four-year university students. My favorite sport is basketball and dislike is football. I'm a one who is better at contact with anyone. My favourite colours are white and black. I like watching martial arts films and want to go places is japan.
I'm studing in Korea now and Korean is not better. This is based on my own understanding to write that. This is my life!

楼上的,就当是练手好了嘛!没想到我打完,居然已经有人在我前面发帖了。 呵呵 第一次翻译,有不足之处,请长者多多指教!


My name is zhangcheng,I am 24 years old.I come from Shangdong province ,China.

I have studied in Huyuan University ,majoring in Business Management.I will get my bachelor's degree this June.My favorite sports is basketball while I don't like football games the most.
I am a easy-going person and my favorite color is white and black.I like watching Kongfu movie. I long for travelling to Japan very much.